Saturday, December 31, 2005
Happy New Year!!
Illness, happiness, sadness all came together .
And I thank for everyone who has loved and cared me so much.
Especially, you.
Dave. Thanks for everything!
Sunday, December 11, 2005
I don't know if you have UFO CATCHER in your country, but we especially girls love UFO CATCHER. We went to game center to get the cute goods in it~~♪
Happy Birthday 1210
10:00 Meet a friend at Hashimoto Station( I was 15 mins late..)
10:30 Seeing Harry Potter and the goblet of fire at Hasimoto movix theater
13:30 Having lunch together
14:00 Playing game at game center
15:00 aparted with the friend, and get in a train alone, bound for Machida
15:15-16:30 arrived at Machida, encountering a friend, chatting for a while. leaving for TSUTAYA
~17:00 spending time at a library, borrowing Steven King's Misery
~18:00 Happened to see another good friend and her young sisiter, walking into BOOKOFF
~20:10 Seeing another friend, and singing at Karaoke. Happy Birthday~song
~22:00 Finishing dinner. entering Game Center
~24:00 Having fun and returned home I spent a whole day outside. And it was kinda amazing day for me because I came to see several friends without any planning. Five familiar friends I met at the day. It was definitely Miki's day!
But, only one thing disappointed me a bit. That was that my parents weren't at my side at my birthday. Mom in Tokyo have had a date with her cronies outside since my birthday, and haven't been back yet, is not, will not be back to my little apartment till next morning. Dad in Okayama gave me a call and saying Happy Birthday in December 11th, today. He was surprised to know today was not 10 which meant he took wrong for my birthday. Speechless but understandable, he has been busy these days, and my mom too. And I don't think Dad knows what mom is doing in Tokyo. He thinks her doing a part time day in all weeks, but actually he knows nothing. Mom told me not to tell the truth to dad that she had made a plenty of male and female friends and dating with them almost every day. I am a good and "sensible" girl, so I do nothing but see what my parents have their own fun each other.
I love my parents as usual as I wrote before, but there has something changed since my return to campus in Tokyo and that my mom was sent to Tokyo, a mission of "taking care of me" by dad. Although I can't evalulate her "job" is perfect or not now, something did change matter good or bad. both. since my illness. It seems to be a key to my life change or my destiny, my fate.. There is one thing I can say is that I can't change it anymore. Let it be what it should be.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Attending to W SEMINAR...
I and my friend happened to come cross its pamphlet at the campus shelf and we decided to take this seminar, mass media seminar.
We take this seminar on Thursdays, and the class begins from 6:40-8:40. And today, we went to the seminar school as usual. But today it was kind of unusual day. That is that the teacher today was really impressive to me. He is now a producer in a publish company, Romeo-News Japan. He gave us an impact when he came into the class. First, his hair was long enough to his shoulder and dyed blonde. What is more, he was slim as if a young lady from back. Fortunately, he was not bad looking even though his voice was husky and sometimes powerful.
What made him different from other professional teachers was not only his style but also his passion to his job. He told us that which university you are from, what department you are in make no big deal for mass media companies. But they look at what the person you are, your humanity. Mass madia chooses the person with whom they feel like working together. Therefore, he told us what we should do and prepare for is to do something special or something you can be proud of during our university students life. For example, part-time job, school ciricle and clubs. He also recommended us to fall in love and even break heart in love in order to know people's pain. Knowing people's pain, we grow.
Although I haven't exactly decided what job I want to do, but I know that I like to communicate with people. That's the only thing that I am sure, and I want to cherish this thought.
PS: My first draft of research paper of Academic Writing class was due today. And I passed it spending whole night yesterday. But I was shocked to get to know my pages didn't fill the minimum 2,000 words. I thought I did, but I was wrong. Ah...I should have counted them down before..orz..
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Leonardo Da Vinci The Codex Leicester in Roppongi Hills

Roppongi Hills, one of the most attractive sightseeing spot in Tokyo, was just as marvelous as its reputation.
Yesterday, I went to Mori Arts Center Gallery to see the exhibit of Leonardo Da Vinci The Codex Leicester with my friends.
I have never been to such a large scale exhibit before, so I was full of high expectation and excitement!
Leonardo Da Vinci is the most noted artist in the world, and at the same time, he is also well-known for its extraordinary talent in science. In his
late life, he devoted his left life to studying science, astronomy, geography, biology etc, showing great extent to every genre. And his note "The Codex Leiscester" leaving huge information of Da Vinci's experiments has come to Japan. It was kinda honor to be able to have a see this valuable treasure so closely in real. The Leicester was displayed in a window of a dim room cause it was said quite weak at bright light. It seemed to have a strict guarantee to protect them. I have also experienced some experiment like water pressure, and stone, seeing Mirror language Da Vinci had invented. Honestly, Leonard Da Vinci is a greatest artist I know, although he has so many bad rumors, his fancy at the beautiful boys. The model of St. John Baptist really has animal magnetism as same as Mona Lisa.
Nao, my friends, would lend me the Dan Brown's bestseller novel "Davinci Code" later since this exhibit. I am looking forward to reading it. I hope its writing English won't be too difficult to comprehend. :-) Now I am reading Steven Pinker's book " The Blank Slate" these days. It is my homework of my English Course so I have to keep on reading it though its English is too technical for me without having any deep knowledge of Psychology.:- My teacher loves Pinker, but it doesn't mean his students will all do. I would rather want to finish <Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix> before. I love Harry Potter!!!(I0I)
Sunday, October 30, 2005
I am a Kitten☆
You were almost a: Lamb or a Duckling
You are least like a: Frog or a Bear CubWhat Cute Animal Are You?
Nice Animal Test from Dave's blog.
The China-Japan Friendship Music Festival 2005

This week is our campus festival, which will last for 5 days! Isn't it terrific! Yeah, I and my friend were looking forward to this day just like other campus students.
10/28, Friday, we went to a night event at campus. It was a concert of Hyde. He is the most beautiful Japanese guy I have even seen in my life. Angel, beauty is what he is. I would attach a photo site URL here. Just click it and see whether my compliment is true.:0)
China-Japan Friendship Music Festival 2005
It was my first time to visit Tokyo International Forum in UrakuChyo. To my admiration, every building in UrakuChyo is skyscraper. I felt totally tiny when I looked up them. They are just so gorgeous. Of course the hall in which the festival hold was splendid. Since it iwas a so-called "China-Japan"...festival, the audience were mainly Chinese people who live in Tokyo. The hall was crawling with Chinese and Japanese, or some Korean(?). My seat was in second floor, so I could barely catch a view of singers. Many people has brought a telescope, I thought they were clever to do this. Cause I could feel singers on the stage as if I could touch them with my hands after I have borrowed it from a kind woman. I came to this festival alone that day, but somehow, I was able to make friends with the couple next to me. I don't know why they were that kind to me enough to let me use their telescope and some candy, they just seemed like me:-) Or simply because I was the youngest one at my row. Haha.
This festival has hailed the top singers in both Japan and China ( Taiwan). Some of them are my favorite, like Leehong Wan, Amei and Natsukawa Rimi. The melody of songs were soft, dynamic, and nostalgic, which recalled our memory in China. The title of the Festival is also " 同一首歌”( "A song we all know") , peole in the hall were able to feel as one at the time. Not only Chinese people, but also Japanese friends must have shared the same feelings, I believe. Sino-Japanese friendship is forever!
Unexpected Luck
After the festival at the finale at 9:00pm, I left the hall and thanked the kind old woman. And then, I went to a restaurant on my way home at the station. I ordered a "special Omelet" and when i ate i up and atempted to pay it, the things happended! As the waiter cleared up my tray, he waded up the check and threw it to the trash can! Can you believe it!? I was too aghast at this to understand what on earth happened to me. I tried to ask him where to pay the Omelet , but the second time, what he did was to point the direction of exit, indicating me to leave the restaurant. What the hell this is!? I never have had a thought I would one day eat at restaurant as at "my home". What would you do if you encounter ths incident? In my case, I accepted it as a result becasue it was too sudden for me to react properly. Am I a cheater and cunning girl? What would you do if it was in your case? Well, anyway, all I can say is, today is my day! :-)
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Thursday, October 13, 2005
But for my mom, I couldn't have been doing so well. This time, she came alone with me apart from her lovely husband, well, my dad. They were too worried about me to let me live alone in Tokyo. So they've decided to send my mom to cook for me. It's a shame because it comes of age I take care of myself as an adult. I'm turing 20 year old as soon as December comes. I know they just love me too much.
This Wednesday, I went to a hospital in Tokyo as a new ourpatient. My new doctor was an old lady, brilliant and sophiscated. After checking my medical history and last data, she suggested me keep on watching any symtoms on my body as ever. I asked her if I could continue my club activity, she just told me to rethink of it carefully. I comprehend what she wants to imply me that my physical condition has got a big change that needs paying attention to in my whole life. you know what, what the doctor says to their patients is the last reassuring word in the world.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Friday, September 30, 2005
Hi! I haven't blogged for a long time.
I just have moved to Tokyo to restart my campus life since September 19.
So long no see my uni and friends! Everything seemed so fresh to me. People in urban city Tokyo remains restless and rushes to trains every day. And the street is still crowded with the walking students towards campus. One thing changed is I started cycling to school instead of on foot. Good exercise for me.
Anyway, I have come back to school again! And I am supposed to study much harder to get 4 credits in minimum. I will try my best to turn third year with my friends together. Since I have to do a huge amount of crazy reports and some other assignment, it is subtle if i could keep on blogging regularly. But I will far as there is anything new happen to me.
See ya~~
Sunday, September 18, 2005

After seeing the film NANA, we hanged around the street and found this toy shop! Pink BARBAPAPA mascot was just standing outside the shop delivering the balloons to the crowds. And I just could't help touching her so I had my friends take a shot of us. BARBAPAPA was SO cute!!! Anyway, we had a fun that day.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Kirikou et la sorcière

This is a French film, made in 1998. The background is set in Africa, and there are people and an evil sorceress, Karaba. The villiage has only women, children and old people. The men were rumored to be killed by Kabara because she hates all of the men.
And one of these men's children, Kirikou was one day given birth to. Unlike with other children, he was born by "himself" and tiny. He told her mum to "bear" him while still in mum's stomach, and scrawled from it. Kirikou seemed to have a nature of curiousness, bravery and wisdom before he was born. So he has a strong will to get to find out why the sorceress is mean to everybody and starts his adventure.
When he finds the elder who answers every question you ask, Kirikou decides to fight with Karaba and " save" her from agony. And when he makes it, he asks an unexpected favor of the soceress...
Kirikou is petit, but more independent than every child. He seems to know everything what he wants to do and have guts to realize it no matter what risk he would face. On the other hand, Karaba is a soceress, powerful, mean and beautiful. How could such a naked tiny child finaly save the socerness and whole villiage and become a hero? He asks " why" to everything and keeps on pursuing truth. As we are growing older, we seems to lose the right to ask "why" anytime. And sometimes, we are just getting so used to the rule that stop thinking " why". Or just because we are too lethargic to ever give a thought about it.
Kirikou et la sorcière also showed us how to be generous and the problem of " gender". Karaba used to suffer from the men so she had a great hatred towards the" masculine". So this film can also be acceped seriously. And what attracts me is the color in this film, really African. And the spoken language French also sounds charming. I once took French classes when i was freshman, so I want to learn it again. Since my major is English, learning French will help me a lot comprending English word meaning. And I like its pronunciation too, though I am totally poor at it. ;;It always seems to us that pronunciation is much more difficult than grammar. Someone who knows French would please help me??(-:
Saturday, September 10, 2005
A Forever Secret..
I don't know whether I should post this diary in public. But I' m sure if I keep it an secret alone with my mom, I will certainly get depressed and one day exploded! My mom told me to keep it a forever secret among us,,but I regret to say I can't.
Money's got stolen! This happend a week ago, that's why I hadn't had mood writing anything in my blog. That day, morning, he, came to our home as usual , and watching his favorite volleyball game vedios at Tatami. Everything was normal and I and my mom were just lying on the bed still drowsy not taking any attention to our bags in the kitchen. Never had both of us dreamed our money was at stake!
As we could see, the boy's behaviour was quite suspicious that day. He didn't tell us a word he's leaving for a bookstore. Without saying a word in front of me! It couldn't be imagined how weird it seemed to me. He just didn't look like what he was as ever. My mom and I had put great faith in him so when we realized we'd been stolen, we felt dead aghast and betrayed. Still can't believe my eyes seeing my momey was 50,000 yen less and mom's 10.000 yen vanished. There was no other people coming up to our Tatami, the kitchen was just near to it. It took us loads of time convincing ourselves the truth. We were both stunned and distressed. The little boy we've cared for so much let us down..
Although we could 100 percent make sure he's committed this , but without evidence, there is no hope. There's only trouble. hard to believe it...Right now, we just hope he will stop doing this forever no matter what reason he could have, eagering for his allowance to buy game cards or something else the ordinary child like him would like. He will regret doing this fool thing. It's a irrieversible accomplished fact, a dark memory in his heart till the end of his life. A pity child, really.
By the way, today, I spent my whole time finishing reading Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban, in the original. It seems Half-blooded Prince has been published already, I can't wait to read it! J.K.ROWLING is the greatest author I know, isn't she?(-:
Monday, August 29, 2005
Tottori Sand Dune鳥取砂丘
I forgot the memory card of digital camera when I tried to take a picture. ;; So I took these photos by my mobile phone. They were really petit.(-:
One day Tottori Tour
The sea backwards is the Japan Sea. Majestic!
I'm picking a pear.(-:This one is not just big, but also juicy.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Aichi Expo 2005♪

I went to Nagoya to see Aichi Expo 2005 last week with my friends. And I uploaded more photos here (-:
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Today, I want to introduce a really cool&cute photo item. It is "Purikura", an abbreviation of " Print Club". We can decorate our pictures by ourselves quite easily, like setting frames, or even writing down some letters on the pictures. Actually, it could also whiten our face, so we all look more like " white-beauty". We can also chose the skin color whatever we want. So "Purikura" is still taking us ( most are young students) by storm.
Actually, I hadn't got to know " Purikura" till I came to Japan. And when i saw my classmates in Junior school showed their Purikura books as their photo albums, i was quite intrigued. Girls like taking Purikura more than ordinary photos because it is more amusing. With " Purikura", we all look prettier and brighter.(-:
Purikura is not only popular among Japaense girls, but also Chinese! Last time, I went back to China and took these Purikura photos in there. Although it has a little difference between Japan and China, both of them are SO Cute!! It is a lot of fun to take " Purikura". To tell you what, in China, we call Purikura " DaTouTie", which means " Big Head Seal". Doesn't it sound cute too?
By the way, I have uploaded more pics in "my photos". I've taken loads of " DaTouTie" with my cousin in China. So, you guys, have a see~~^^
Monday, August 22, 2005
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
The Last Hospital Day
Today, it was the last day I went to the hospital as an outpatient in Okayama. So I decided to confess my feelings towards Dr.H and wrote them down on a letter last night. I'd thought it must be my last chance to tell him.
Therefore, when I heard he was off and had a holiday today, I wasn't able to hide my disappointment. I couldn't pass my letter to him today, should I wait another day to? Besides, i did have serious business with him. I have to get an top important application from him that I have asked him to fill up. The deadline was close, but I couldn't see him. It was so unlucky..And what was worse, I got to know he seemed to already see somebody...I just felt my heart broken at the moment..
Now, I am wondering if I should pass him the lettter in the case of already knowing he might have a girlfriend..I wrote something about how I am grateful to him and my longing for him. I just wanted him to know that I like him and thank him for doing everything for me. But now, I'm just not sure what I should do next. I will see him next Tuesday, I don't know what to do...
Friday, July 29, 2005
Special Thanks to..
About My Plan to come back to China
This Friday( July 30), I will leave for China. I'm going to visit and stay there until 8/14. So I am not sure if I could upload my blog while my stay in China. But I promise you that I'll take loads of nice pictures in China and let you see~~Just look forward it~^^Anyway, it has been three years since my last return to China in 2001. I'm so EXCITED!!!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
A visit to Kyoto
I have promised them when they came to see me in the hospital that I would someday come to see them.
So I just kept my word and went to Kyoto before they finish their one-year exchage student life in Japan and come back to California this Friday.
It was my first time to go to Kyoto. Unlike my hometown, Okayama, there are always loads of people there. Especially Kyoto's most famous tourist atractions, the temples attracted visitors from all over the world. The senery in Kiyomizu Temple was beautiful and really attarctive. We could also see Maiko ( the dancers dressed in traditonal Japanese Kimono) walk around the street.
Maiko walking the path.
Actually after hearing from Kiyomi, those women wearing in Kimono were not necessarily the Maigo or Geisya. They walked around the street just for the visitors' sake who want to take some pictures. No matter what, I was lucky enough to be able to see them. (-:
Next day, we went to Arashiyama and paddled a boat walking to the mountain road. It remanded lots of physical strength. We were all tired but all had a fun. I haven't done such a tough sports for a long time so now I have an ache in my muscles in my legs and arms. Hehe, I think I should haven take a rest at home for a while~ :-)
Monday, July 18, 2005
Monday, July 18, 2005

It is sweltering hot today. And now I'm listening to CD at my room with air condition turned on.
Last night, I went to Tsutaya ( a vedio rental shop) and rented some CDs back home. The whole CDs I have rented was TV series <攻殻機動隊, Mobile Armoured Riot Police: STAND ALONE COMPLEX> from Manga written by Masamune Shirow. I saw the anime films < Innocence>
I've found some quotations used in < Innocence>
PS: the picture above is a main character called " Batow". I really go for him.(-: beneath his cool appearace, he is a real hot-blooded person who always cares for his best partner, Kusanagi Motoko, the major of 9 section, heroine who disappears to the network world in < Ghost in the Shell>
Friday, July 15, 2005
Monday, July 11, 2005
Monday, July 11, 2005
It was still raining today. But unlike the other day, it was just light rain.
Because of these rainy days, it saved us lots of times watering the flowers in the garden. it hadn't rained for a long time, so at a moment , people used to be worried what if the hot weather still keep on and drought. Fortunately, we had rain fall at last!
This afternoon, mom and I went to play golf on foot. At first, I had no plan on today and thougt I would just spend most of time seeing some videos at home. Later, mom suggested me to give a call to one of our common friends to take me to some place. I obeyed though I didn't feel like doing this in my heart. We had seen each other just a few days ago, and I was reluctant to call him out so arbitrarily. He was working and working almost all of the week, and only have a holiday on Monday. I didn't want to waste his precious time especially since he was married. In the past, I would feel easy to ask him out without any restraints. But now I can't. It is exactly a difficult problem. I just need a friend to go out with me, but only to find all of them are so busy with their every job or things were just changed uncounsciously. We had compltely different time, there seem no time to share between us.
So what I had said on phone was just hello and how're you doing, and some words like " have a nice holiday and see you later" after all. Mom looked at me suspiciously and asked why I didn't
just ask them ( them means my friend and his wife). All I could answer was that I just feel like more at home and no more than that. How did we think of playing golf, it was simply because mom and I were both bored in fact. Chances are she had nothing to do today either, we decided to walk to a golf club. The club was truely close from our home, only took 15 minutes on foot. I was kind of surprised to see there were so many people there on weekday. I hadn't played golf since i moved to Tokyo. So everything was so Fresh to me. Mom and I both had a good time. One thing is true is that when you feel bored or lonely, you can try to do something new or that you haven't done for a long time. Learning to change our mood is really important.
Tomorrow we are playing golf again, according to my mom. I was happy to hear that.(-:
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Thursday, July 7, 2005
the Star Festival
July 7th, it is the star festival in Japan. People put their wish in a piece of paper on a special tree so that their dream would come true one day.
Even so, what I did today was just reading, watching vedios, and sleeping all at home today. It was pouring with rain and thunder passing through the sky this afternoon. I was not in a mood going outside at all today.
By the way, the animation film < Innocence>
Friday, July 01, 2005
Thursday, June 30. 2005

Today, I drove to the hospital just to see Dr. H. We need him to fill up some applications about my illness. As I heard I'd got this job as a " driver", I couldn't help feeling my face lit up. A great excuse to see my doctor! There is no reason I am not making the most of it. :-) First, it could help me improve my driving, second is..hehe, you shall get it, right? :-)
The ward is on the 7th floor, and I have not been there for about a month. As hearing the bell ring, we caught a familiar sight. The nurses and doctors I know well were all in there! What made me happier was that Miss Kana was at the ward too at the moment! She is one of my favorate nurses and what is more, she plays KYUDO ( Japanese Archery) as well!! While I had been hospitalized, I used to ask her some advices about Kyudo. She's really good at it. I like her the best not only for her gentleness but also her sweet face. She is small and cute just like ordinary Japanese girls. Sweet but strong. That's what she impressed and me the most.
At last, Dr. H was showing up. According to the head nurse ( she is also a cute old lady), Dr. H had just had a meeting with his patient. So it took a little time. But that's okay because we were able to see him after all. He looked good and happy to see me and my mom. We stared at each other trying to find as many topics as we could though we have so many things to talk about. But other people's watching us, there is time. This time, I didn't wear a hat so that he and other staffs could all see my hair. These days, my hair has fell out because of the medicine I had drunk before. My old hair has almost fell out. And the newest hair is growing up day by day. They are tiny but exactly growing well just like a new-born baby's. I should say I was a lucky one because my old hair isn't all fell out, some are still alive. So I was able to avoid the worst situation that I would probably lose all of my hair.:-) Although now I am just like a little boy because of my latst "hairstyle". Some people who has no idea about my illness, would just think I have just have a most fasionable " hairstyle" as dread hot summer's coming. But people who has known me for a long time is also easily able to find out. Anyway, my hairstyle looks natural, that's a big relief to me. Thanks god. ♪
PS: Honest speaking, I had hesitated to show Dr. H my hair for a while. I just cared about what he would think of my hair. If he was simply a doctor, and I was a patient, I would not have worried about it at all. But given that he is a person I'm crushing on, that is a big deal. I just wanted to show me to him as a beautiful girl. After being told by my mom later, the head nurse had whisperd to my mom that I and Dr. H looked like we were lovers when she looked at us! Hehe, see, she knows everything~anyway, I am happy to hear that~:-) Not bad at all.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
At 10 this morning, I drove to my dad's factory with the company of dad and one of his employees.
This was the first time I drove my dad's car. Before that, I have only driven my mom's car, the violet one. Dad's car is white and much bigger than mom's, so I thought it must be quite difficult to handle and the handlebar must be heavy. However, despite of my expecation, the handlebar of dad's car was LIGHT and EASY to move whole body!! No matter when I corner or turn right or left, all the operations were so SMOOTH and Simple! I felt SO GOOD when I drove this car that I would sometimes speed up too much ( over 60km/h):0)until be pointed out by my dad. Whew, I think I should be careful. :-) But I can deny that i began to love driving day by day. Driving is fantastic!!
At last, we arrived at the crane shed. There parked many cranes at the field, and I was able to see my dad operate the crane by my own eyes! I have never seen how my dad and his employees work, so I was sort of moved when I see my dad move the huge crane life a iron plate. Seemed so intersting and cool!
Well, tomorrow I am to be driving my dad's car again to another place. I am looking forward to it♪
Friday, June 24, 2005
My Car
Strictly speaking, it is my mom's car.
And,it was I that backed this car up into a parking place in the hospital! You know what, it is a quite hard job for a new driver. I have learned how to back a car when I was attending the driving school. I was easily able to clear it at the school, but in real life, it is much more difficult and different than what I have learned. It all depends on your feelings that decided what direction you make your car into. I falied several times but at last, I made it! And I have done it alone!
So look at the position my car was in. Isn't it quite excellet though it is far from perfect? Hehe, but I will try harder from now on.:-)It was quite exciting cuz there were a lot of any other cars. I had to pay my whole attention not to crush on the others. Nervous but so thrilling!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
This Monday (6/20), it became an unforgetable day for me.
I have successfully passed the exam and got my own driver's license on the day!
It was an examination in the subjects of study that has 100 questions. Only the students who get correct answers more than 90 points can pass.
The place we got the exam was surrounded by the mountains and beautiful nature.
The parking area there was large and could afford a number of cars.
It was far away from the central city we live, so I have a friend of mine drive me there.
The day, I went to take the exam with Lee and his wife.
Lee completed his study in driving school a few days earlier than me and it was such an funny thing that we were to get the driver's liscenses at the totally same day!
He has once falied to the exam.
And this Monday, we happened to take the exam and both of us passed it together!
Afterward, I know his wife was sort of worried because if one of us failed or passed would be such an embarrasing thing.
But well, fortunately, we all cleared the exam and got our liscenses!
Nothing better than that, right?:-)
Currently, I am driving my mom's car and taking ourselves to see my dad in the hospital everyday. Proper speed, and safe driving~~♪
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Father's Day
Today is Father's day in Japan. It is kind of special day today than usual. Unlike the year before, my father is in the hospital for a surgery of cataract. The surgery itself is quite simple that would only need one day to take, but the problem is my father has hit his hipbone and legs since an accident in his factory. He fell down from a crane then used to be hospitalized for over three months when he was yet young. Years go by, he got quite well except one trouble that he would get pain frequently on his legs and waist. And he's got much plumper compared to the day he was young. Hehe, both of Ran and me think he should get a diet right now considering of his health state.:-) We're really worried about him.
Well, since it is Father's day today. I and Ran bought a pair of brand new shoes for him. It's my mom's idea that we chose shoes because she told me that father has had no shoes for ages. Then i said okay then got the shoes for my father as if it was all my own idea since Ran told me to do that because it was Father's day, so I should buy a gift for my father as her daughter. So eaisly you can see what a person my mom is. She is a person that always takes her family first. I really appreciate my parents.
First Driving Experience..
Yeah, it is also today that I got a chance to drive a car on our way home from the hospistal after seeing my father. Ran permitted me to drive her car tonight! She frankly told me that she had no confidence on my driving at first. Even so, she gave me a chance to drive her car tonight!! I was so happy about that and drove as carefully as I could. It was my first time driving without my teachers. I was glad to hear Ran say she was quite satisfied with my driving after all. Of course, I did well. (-: And tomorrow, I will pass the exam and get my own driver's liscence!!
I can't wait it! Driving is so fun!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Hokkaido, Karaoke..entertainment
There are some reasons for not having blogged these days. Tripping to Hokkaido, going to Karaoke with old friends last Sunday, learning driving. Not rest at all.
But, I like this life style. Busy, but happy.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Thursday, June 2, 2005
Last weekend, I went to a tour for Universal Studio Japan ( USJ). It is in Osaka, so we spent a lot of time in bus. The tour was held by an Overseas Chinese in Japan Organization. So of course, all of the people in the bus are deeply related to China. Some of them are Chinese who were born and brought up in China that have come to Japan as exchanged students, some are those who were born in Japan ( maybe the second generation). Of course there are also some Japanese peole who simply like China. I made friend with a Japanese boy who used to study in Fuchow Universtiy( that's in my hometown in motherland) several years ago. So he speaks fluent Chinese, better than my mom's Japanese(-:
The president of the organization was also on the bus too. He is one of the close friends of both my dad and mom. He is the headmaster of Chinese in Okayama prefecture, a really big person. According to his speech, he is second generation Chinese so he almost doesn't speak Chinese. Or I should say I haven't heard he speaks Chinese. His father came to Japan in a really insecure era, the age before New China was built. That time was the darkest days in China, people are poor and can't have a full meal. Overseas Chinese are those who go to Southeast Asia countries or Japan to rear their families left in China alone. His father was one of them. In thoese days, Japanese people wore only Kimono, so we can see Japan was not that rich too then. All Chinese could do in Japan was mostly classified into three kinds of jobs involved with " swords". One is cook in Chinese Restaurant, second is mercer with scissors, and finally is barber. Therefore their jobs were quite limited in Japan. Their life in Japan was never easy. Their children might be bullied because they were Chinese, literally caused by discrimination. The president had that similar experience that had been thrown by stones.
Afterward, the president spoke a lot more stories of his and the history of the relationship with Japan and China, and the purpose of this organization. I think he is a complete patriot because he know the history and represent it. He wants us to unite and help each other. Nobody would protect our rights but OUESELVES. His words impressed me a lot and reminded me of my identity. I was born in a truely happy time without knowing pain. History seemed nothing to me. I thought I had nothing to them, but now I know I was wrong. History is a mirror. Past and present is together.We should not forget it.
Friday, May 27, 2005
New things I have started recently..
I haven't blogged for several days because I have been restless for these days.
I have started to attend a driving school since this week. To tell the truth, I had never dreamed of this and I had always expected I would have been spending all the time reading or seeing films at home. Something do happen without your expecting. Honestly, I was pleased at this happening though first time I heard about it, I was totally astonished.
Since the day I applied to the driving school, I have never failed to join the classes and have a practice driving lessons. All I have found out was that driving was never that simple thing and getting a drive license demand your infinite patience and constant efforts. I am the last person who is good at practice though I might be better at theory. For me, memorizing a lot of English idioms or knowledges at books doesn't bother me at all, but in case of practice, I would always be confused. Driving is SO difficult for me though it is absolutely interesting.
At last, I could take a break in this weekend. I would try to take more photos when I have a walk outside. The picture of the white and black cat was taken by me a few days ago. She seemed to be a little annoyed when hearing sound of shutter being disturbed.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Thursday, May 19, 2005
This morning,when I just walked around my house, I happened to notice this butterfly stop at the small rock. I was lucky that I had got this shutter chance.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
It's the pot I used for soup.
Can you see some "SCUM" on the surface of it!? At least I can. So disgusting!Haha.
One of the experiments in my cooking life.
My Original Miso Soup
I have always helped my mom cook, like cutting vegetables, frying, or making soup, of course. But actually, all I did was just help, not all processing. So this time, I am doing a dish all by myself. You can sense how nervous I was. It was my first time to cook alone. A absolutely Big CHALLENGE for me!:-)
As being said making soup is extremely simple thing, I just put some shiitake mushroom, carrots and lettuce into pot while water began to boil. And finally add Miso ( Soybean paste) and some meat to it. Then FINISHED!! HERE is my original SOUP! What do you think of it? Don't say that the color looks like dark or not like a soup!! I washed ingredient, but it didn't seem perfect. Yeah, but it doesn't matter! One thing is tangible is that it can be eaten despite of its taste.
Cooking was NOT that simple thing as I had expected.ï¼I0Tï¼
Friday, May 13, 2005
Friday, May 13, 2005
Video Rental Shop
Today, I had my mom drive me to a video rental shop TSUTAYA. This is one of the biggest video rental shops in Japan. I have long time no gone to the shop since I come back to my hometown. Once upon a time, I would often drop at the shop on my way home from my school when I was a senior high school student.
It's much reassuring for me to know there weren't many people there. I got to the shop at about 4, it's normal that people are still at work, and student at school. But at the moment, I felt a little strange and lonely because I should have been concentrating on listening to the lectures surrounded by my friends at my campus in Tokyo. Actually, I don't usually feel this way, but SOMETIMES, in ocassion, I did. I think I began to miss my friends in my campus. Most of them told me how there were killed by every hard work or report from school. I know, and all I can do is wish them a good luck. Take care of your health, guys~I'm doing well in here. Cuz I believe a saying. That is , "I will prepare, and someday my chance will come!" I forgot who said it, but I truely believe this saying from my heart. Everyday may seem dull and unchanging for us, but what we ought to do is just preparing for every moment and wait for our chance come to us. Daily life is important, because there is never a same day come again in our life.
Looking people so busy, sometimes I would feel I had nothing to do but eat, sleep and read etc. Now I have plenty of time to do everything I love to. It is great. Everything is perfect except one fact that my fellow peers who I can share my interest with are all far apart from me now.
Hey, I've got missing you guys, are you aware of that?:-)
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Fresh Strawberry
At 6pm, I was asked by neighborhood whether I would like to go to pick some strawberries with them together. Of course the answer was " Sure"! I LOVE STRAWBERRY!
We got to the field after driving for approximately 15 minutes. The place we had arrived was completely country. All we could see from around was hills surrounding us. The air was fresh and the fields was really wide. I wonder how they've got such a good land. Because you know what, land in this small country is really precious and expensive! I have always wished for a land so that I could live in a country cultivating or planting some fruits and vegetables when I get old. An Utopia completely belonging to me. How wonderful if this dream would come true one day~:-)
Monday, May 09, 2005
Bath Candle
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Sunday, May 8, 2005
Time comes to 8 o'clock in the morning, I got up and ready for a walk. The road I am going to is flanked with green trees and colorful flowers. The CD I was listening to is Usher's <> album. I like to do everything with songs whenever I am having a walk, hanging out or folding the washing and etc. Sometimes i would even dance or hum with the music together. Music soothes me a lot.
11am, mom went out for her job. And just then, I got a call from my friend asking me to eat Chinese meat dumpling at his home. Some of my friend they are good at cooking and making delicious chinese cuisine. I was a little hesitated whether to go or not because I had already planed what to do today. Besides, he has just got married lately, it deserved to think something sensible. Although I know his wife very well but I still don't feel really comfortable when being with them alone. It is just sort of awkawrd. But one the other hand, Gyoza is one of my favorite food and whatever, it is no better than have a lunch without self cooking! Therefore, I decided to go promising to be there at 12.
12am, reaching at their home, having meat dumpling together. Yummy!! The taste was over my expectation actually! After finishing the lunch, we saw <Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban> at home theather. I missed seeing it at theater, so this time I saw it I was totally moved. I would read the book again. Seems so interesting!!<Kung Fu Hustle>
Mother's Day
Today May 8 is mother's day in Japan. It's a day our daughters say thanks to their mothers. Arigato, Okaasan!! ( Thanks a lot, mom! I appreciate you!) Also we bought some gifts for our mothers. So am I. This morning, I gave her a blue christal bracelet I had bought for her on the other day. She looked astonished to get present from me because I had never done this thing before. But I know she was happy. All I want to say to her is "Mom, you helped me a lot. I love you~!"
Monday, May 02, 2005
Monday, May 2, 2005
Yesterday,at 3, I went to a friend's home. She called me to come to her home to have a BBQ Party the day before yesterday. She came back from her university to her home recently.
It was rainy and cloudy yesterday, so I wasn't in mood going out side. But well, because it IS a PROMISE, I had to go whatever the weather would be like. But NOW, I would say it was WORTH! Her home was near to the hospital, so I was able to visit there again to see Hanachan!! I haven't seen him for about twenty days if I count it. Honestly, I had never given a thought I would see him so soon. I just wanted to go to library and search some books at first. THEN tak a chance cuz I had no idea if i were lucky enough to meet him at hospital because that day was Sunday, he would possibly not be there. But I WAS ABLE to see him. I was so lucky! The staffs were all my acquaintances, who worked hard and helped me a lot when I was totally down because of illness. So I was able to behave myself and we had a ball. I was satisfied and made up my mind not to ask more.
A little bitter, but happy. I should cherish this time I have. Life is just like this.
Discussing Politics
After coming back home, I was surprised to find the shoes increased in front door. They had invited other friends while I and K was out. BBQ party's begun!
It was fun though we didn't know each other at first. Mother and her friend was busy with preparing dishes for us, chatting loudly. I liked harumaki best and rolling lots of food, like meat, vegetable and anything else into it. They were so triffic! I haven't eaten that chinese food for ages. After finishing dinner, mothers and fathers began talking about demonstration and some movement Japan's government should take against China. They constantly used the word "facing history as mirror" in a strict way being eloquently critical and eager. People here are really concerned about politics. I was a little shamed for myself because I didn't have enough knowledge about politics and history between the two country that much. So all I could do was keep silent and listen to their opinions which I think a little emotive and one-sidely. It is hard to avoid this phenomenon happen because the discussing people here are all from same background, all used to come here as an exchange student from their common nation. In this case, their children are mostly hard-studying and brilliant. Most of them did do well at school when they in thier motherland, so it wasn't that hard for them to master language and go to would-be prestige colleges in Japan. They would always feel sort of obligated to do better than their parents had done. They are tend to be young, clever, and adaptable especially when they were born in high educational background families.
Well, that may be so-called " Hungry Spirit" or..high expectation for prospects of their children. Bright future set by parents. .
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Wednesday, April 27th, 2005
Part-time Job..
Lately, I have thought of what I can do from now on.
It seems to me that I must do something while staying in my hometown. Sometimes I feel envious seeing people go to work or school every morning. To me, job always looks dull and poor in changing. But Now I feel like begining something new to fulfill myself. Well, although I DO have started helping housework and flowering, such stuffs I am capable of doing, I still can't help feeling empty when I am alone.
I am alwaying hoping to do something. But I may not do it in practice. It's not the time yet.
Actually, I am to go to hospital again after Golden Week. I'd better have a talk with Dr. M about my plan to start part-time job. It may sound ridiculous because my total purpose staying here is all for my rehabilitation. I'm supposed to stay at home all day and take easy. People here are worried about me, so my thought would strike them a lot with dismay. I don't want to see that..
Well, I'm worried too much. Our efforts would never down the drain. I won't make it either!!Cheer up. Keep on thinking positive!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Shakespear's The WInter's Tale
I read somebody's essay about this masterpiece of Shakespear. It compared Autolycus with " the Subtle Shift", claiming they are similar in many points as the vice. What do you think of it?
I haven't read them yet, so i have no idea about that.
Somebody who know it would please tell me??
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Shopping in the mall
I wanted to blog what I did yesterday last night, but I gave up and decided to write it today because it is not good at my health to work too late. Sometimes, I have always wanted to finish one thing in one day, but now I know, it's more important to take it easy. Overwork would tell on our health!
Well, yesterday, I was really busy around. Watering the flowers in the garden at morning, going shopping with my mom at night. This is a life I may have longed for in my heart since I had been hospitalized. Simple, but sort of to my heart's content.One thing was different yesterday is we ( my mom and I) WALkED back to our home after finishing shopping. Usually, we would DRIVE to somewhere, but this time, we walked for exercise. I know it was all for my rehabilitation. Of course I was pleased at Ran's suggestion because I don't want to miss any chance to recover as soon as possible.
Okayama is a good place for people to live and relax because it is not as crowding as urban, Tokyo. Most of people here are easy going and kind. I was able to enjoy seeing high school students pedal their bicycles on their way home from school. In Tokyo, it is hardly to see because our most common transportation is train or subway. It doesn't seem to me that students would ride to their school. At least, I hadn't had a chance to have a look at this or more properly speaking, I DIDN'T bother myself to see this. I had been too busy with myself to notice them when in Tokyo. It is irreversible fact that I would have lost my heart because I had always been busy with my campus life and club. I had thought I would soon get used to it and both of schoolwork and club would be compatible since I had started to get my own place in Tokyo. But now I know I was totally wrong. I wasn't that strong as I had believed. This time, i got illness, and undoubtly, I DID lose my parents' faith on me. I have let them down so much. I am totally sorry for them and I think i have to take responsibility to them. What I have to do from now on?? Well, needless to say, learning to cook by myself and whole housework la! I never want to break the hearts of people I love again because of my selfish and childish. I would try my best to prove that I have learned so much from this lesson.So, please believe me, that I love you so much.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Hollywood Actress appeared in my garden!?
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Wednesday, April 20th, 2005
Today, I and Ran drove to Okadai hospital to have a check at 1:30pm.
The weather was rainy but that didn't influence our high tension at all. We are going to see Dr. H today! We haven't seen him for 20 days since my day out of hospital. It was exciting and full of expectation.
One thing out of our anticipation was that both of us forgot it was also a day I must take a blood sample!! I haven't had any preparation for that so I was nervous when being reminded of that by a receptionist. Fortunately, I didn't feel much pain because it got succuss at only one time. Because before when they got failed, I had to suffer horror wondering when on earth they would find my blood vessel properly. :-)
Although it took some time due to several mistakes, it was okay for me at all. I have already got used to it. Being awaited make no difference to me. Today we have another really important job. To go and see Dr. H!! Hence, I and Ran went to the ward as soon as things finished. Dr. H looked thinner than we had expected. He was working with his head down on the staff station so hard as not to notice I and Ran was standing in front of him. He seemed a little alarmed when he saw us. But shortly he gave us a comfortable smile and begain to explain some datas of blood test for us. I was greatly happy to see him but at the same time, I felt a little disappointed because we were unable to talk to each other as long as before we did when I had been hospitalized. Other staffs were looking and he had to work hard. He couldn't spare that much time to chat with us and that was the truth both Ran and I know exactly though we are SO HAPPY to see each other. I would like to see him outside of hospital but there seems we don't have that chance so far. He is a doctor, and I, one day have to leave for Tokyo to restart my campus life. Nothing should happen to us though we think of each other so much. I even don't know his phone number though I had dare passed him mine. Actually, I don't know about him at all. His age, life style, and anything private. I must have been a dreamer, wondering someday we would have a talk in a cafeteria. I thought we had a good time in the hospital, but once it passed, we owned nothing in our hands. All the things seemed so unrealistic for me. A long long happy dream..What I ought to do from now on is say goodbye to it and PRACTICE myself! Be more thoughtful and nice enough to get a man I love's heart. Ganbare!!!
Monday, April 18, 2005
Monday, April 18th, 2005
A Blessing in Disguise
These days, I have always had something to do. Although I spend my time almost at my own home while others attend to their college, stangely I don't feel I am that lonely or dull at all. Enjoy my time seems to be an incentive for me to keep a good mind status.
Yesterday, I had my mom drive me to the station to see a friend I didn't see for a long time. Strictly speaking, the people I had an appointment with was my teacher rather than just one of my friends. He used to be my private tutor when I first came to Japan. He is a graduate student at Okayama University in current. We havn't met each other for approximately one year. But it didn't take much time to recognize one another. He looks younger in spite of his age. Ran convinced me that was because the man always look younger than their real age when I mentioned that.
Getting on the car, we reached at a surpermarket. Mr.K ( his name) walked directly to drink corner and bought some of them for me. He told me that I should take a lot of liquid because it is good for my kidney. I was surprised and moved by his thoughtful attention. His house doesn't change a lot except one thing that he comes to keep a pet, a dog really take to people easily. We talked about my disease and what I must be doing afterward. One word was truely impressive. In short, I should think positively and just be happy everyday. It is definitely correct cuz I have experienced too much while being hospitalized, I have learned how to be myself and thank to eveyday given to me. For me, this disease is a blessing in disguise for that I was given a chance to think my life again and what is really important to me.
What I am doing at home alone is reading and surfing sites on net. One thing different is what books I am reading are in Chinese. Honestly I didn't read any Chinese writen books for ages so when one of my friends recommended those books to me, I felt a little confused and reluctant. However, despite of my low expectation, I found I was enchanted with every sentence writen in vivid Chinese. I can have sympathy with every word and feel what author's would feel. It's some feelings I can't have when I read them in Japanese. This moment, I realize I have missed my mother tongue so much. It's a great deep impression when I encountered some touchable stories and words. Some that help you out a lot. I think I ought to get back something important that I have lost and missed.
Chinese Cuisine and music
While I finished blogging and was about to say hello to a friend online, I heard my name called by my mom. She told me to get prepare to get on her car. It was 7 o'clock, dinner time. So I asked where we were going. The answer back was Cui Yuan, a Chinese cuisine restaurant.
We haven't come all a way to eat Chinese food so I was wondering what taste it would be. You know what, as Japanese are proud of deliciousness of Sushi, Chinese are also particular about their nation's food outside their country. The waitress is a Chinese girl who speak fluent Japanese. Even the main customers are Chinese. It's such an interesting sight for me to see a Chinese man shout at the kitchen advising a cooker to add vinegar in a particular dish. And the waitress was just giggling at that man complaining. These are the most common and natural scenes you could see in any restaurant in China. And that remind me of most of dear memories when I was a child. It's undeniable it is China where I spent my childhood, I can't help feeling close to any Chinese who living in Japan. I don't care where part they are from, or who they are.
As to the music, I have got a CD also sung in Chinese. Most of them are hip pop and love song. Unlike J Pop, Chinese lyrics are repeated time by time. That make you feel it was like Enka, simple but easy to remember. I can put myself into the songs and feel them. It makes me comfortable although whatever quality and variety, J pop is all over China's. But I still feel like most movable songs are those sung in my native language. Easy remeber and easy to sing either.
Friday, April 15, 2005
My Walking Course
This is a path near to my hourse. Green trees in two sideway, and
resident here enjoy their walking through this path. Once upon a time, I
used to walk my dog called maru. But since Maru's death one year ago,
the time I put my feet on it was inevitably in decline. This time I come
back to this place, I feel constantly comfortable and nostalgic.
Friday, April 15th, 2005
Spring has completely come in Okayama. The sunshine is warm everyday and that makes me like to have a walk. There is always a path for people having a jogging or walking their dogs. The trees are getting green and flowers blossomed in various colors. I like the air of Okayama very much because here you could breathe fresh air very much and that relax you a lot. Here has no unnecessary troubles bothered you, no crowds of working people getting off the trains. Here all we have is nature, green, and warm-hearted people. Here is nearly an Utopia for me except for one thing. That is,, there are few YOUNG guys and girls all around!! All I can peer through from my veranda is elder or little children walking! Why? Well, that's quite simple cuz the guys as old as me are all going to the college or their work place la!!! HAHAHAHA!! Fantastic!
Um,, calm down. Let's go on to the main subject.
This afternoon, 11:30am ,we went to the hospital to see Dr. M as we did on last Friday. Having been told to take a blood sample within an hour before the appointment time 13:00, we arrived at the hospital eariler than last time. This time, five test tubes were taken. Amazingly I found that I got accustomed to blood taking enough to have a straight look at my blood being taken and flouring into the test tubes. No more queasy feelings I have. See I have become at least a little braver, ha. Finally blood test come out to prove my condition is getting better and better that even my doctor couldn't hide his surprisement. It seems I don't have to be hospitalized to have another treatment any longer. That relieve me and my family too much!! I am nearly as healthy as ordinary people!!! Joyful! Ran's dietary cure is getting succuss! Thank you, Ran!
Since we have enough time later, I was allowed to see my old friends in the ward. Today I was luck enough to see Dr. F! He is tall and really easy going.Sometimes it is dubious to me he is a
doctor! He is so FRIENDLY and easy talking person, just like a young boy. In fact he IS young enough la~~Why I said he is friendly because no sooner than I passed my result papers to him that he told me that he would call Dr. H to announce this happy news. His patient is doing well because of your devotion. I love all the staff in this ward! They are so000 kind. I don't want to be their patient again, but I would like to go closer to them if possible. That's one of my ambitions actually.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Tuesday, April 13th, 2005
She forgot having promised me to have my films developed, so when I asked her for those pictures, she groaned, " so..sorry, see what I have done! Wait, I will go out to take them back right now!" It was already close to 7pm, so I said " no, that's okay. It's fine you forgot that, we can take them tomorrow!" trying to stop her cuz outside was really chilly cold! But it's my mother's character, she insists on going out by herself then ran out. All I could do was just standing and wandering around the room.
A few minutes passed, Ran returned and threw a pack of developed films over me. I was quite appreciatily and thanked to her. Then I opened the pack happily seeing my memory jumping in front of as such colorful pictures! Those pictures were taken when I was in Tokyo and most of them are some with my friends in dormitory and club. The young and beautiful girls are in my pictures. Innocent smile, funny faces and archery are all so fulll of reality in front of me.There are no more distant now, I can feel truely I was once a member of them and loved my life in Tokyo. Although there was never all happy things but also some more frustration, trouble and depression. However, those minus emotions dispersed at sudden in seeing those lovely smile and innocent girls. At least, there is one fact is I did have a good and precious happy time with my friends while in Tokyo. That was definitely hopeful to me now.
So far, I and my mother are concerned about the demonstration erupted in major China cities during last weekend. It was ridiculous because this demo chances are against Japan. Watching Chinese crowds shouting out and throwing stones to Japanese embassy in China and some Japanese institutions, all Ran and me could do is dumefounded. Why can't our people act in more proper way to express their protest against this country!? How come they want to make things complicated? Violation can solve nothing, Japanese government would only think Chinese are such a rousy and rowdy nation. No good for sino-Japanese relation! What made my queesy is this demo was ignited and spreaded out by millions of netizens inChina, those people are literally dull. They catch this "Big Chance" then going to mess things up in a name of patriotism! A funny pastime! Everything is just chaotic and mass media in Japan is willing to broadcast such violating scencs again and again. So UGLY!! See China's main media even don't bother to refer to this demo. And all china's govenment said is a proper measure should be taken by Japan toward history problems and bid to permanent member of UN security concil. Yeah, that's cool right. Because Japan government ought to face up to the history, being responsible to all asian counties counterparts. But China should also be more..justic.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Sunday, April 10th, 2005
I haven't been blogging for several days. The main reason for that is I have been busy with registering curriculum. Since my determination of having long rest within the first term, I have been always bothered with contemplating what course I ought to take in an attempt to achieve bottom 50 credits. So even though I am at home, I always have something to do with my PC.
So far, having almost finished all the registration, I decided to make my time for a while. I mean some entertainment like looking websites I want to visit and doing something I really like. Here, I want to sum up what happened to me during these days.
This Friday, it was the day I had an appointment with Dr. M at 1pm. It was my first time to
go to hospital as an outpatient. I was a sort of nervous while awaiting him. A few minutes passed 1am, at last it came my turn. I knocked the door and entered hearing " Come in". We haven't seen each other for a week since my petie discharge. At first, Dr. M showed us a result of blood test I took last Thursday while being hospitalized. It came out "almost" everything recovers well except of one suspicious virus, some problem with my lymphocyte Dr. H was quite worried when referring it to me before. The tone Dr. M spoke to us was keeping cool and so official. As status up, people seem to have some change in his attitude. I admire and respect Dr. H because he is really easy talking and warm-hearted. I can feel it. That day, I was dressing up looking forward to see Dr. H only to find out he was out on business. I should have known Friday and Saturday are his day out for another place, but I still can't hide my disappointment. Is being a patient an only way to meet her doctor!? That's awesome because I don't want to be a patient any longer. Really troublesome....
Yesterday, I went to drive with my mom designing to go see cherry blossom in the park. After a long drive, we couldn't reach the destination because we missed our way(^-^;) As a replacement, Ran and I went to video shop and watching rental video after coming back home. ShaoLin Soccer was funny. It told us not only comedy but also a courage to chase your dream!
Anyway, I am kind of sentimental these days. Too many things I ought to think and too many problems I have to cope with,,, Kyudo,credits, and friendship..something I have neglected for long time.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Monday, April 04, 2005
Monday, April 4th, 2005
There were exactly many things happened today.
First, surfing the internet, the headline of Pope John Paul Ⅱ dead at84 was first jumping up in front of me. I have heard he was in coma just the day before yesterday, so I was quite surprised to hear he passed away so soon!! It's a bitter news for all Catholic prayers in the world.
It didn't occur to me that "Blog" has taken Japan by storm untill I found this word in every site, like Yahoo and Hotmail. I tried reading the so-called "most being read" blogs realizing what make them so attractive to so many people. They seem to have same points in common. First at all, the bloggers always write in really witty way. What I found interesting is they depicted every talks, making like a dialogue. At the moment, I always wondered how could they remember every words they had in conversation! Second, its topic is full of entertainment. The bloggers deal the topics peole are concerned about. They take up some topics that eveybody knows and is interested in. They didn't bother to exposing themselves to us. For example, a housewife blogger would dare to tell us her family construction and every most natural family drama.
Last, and the most determining element, is the name of their blogs are quite unique. We tend to turn our attention to something unique or outstanding. The name of it always decides everything. I read the blogs because they have funny title, as Nikuman woman and etc. :0) Some titles that are not that tame and formal make me feel easy to close.
Well, turn to another page.
Today, my cousin Yukun came to my home. I haven't seen him for a while and he was getting taller thatn I had imagined. As a high grade elementary students, he is kind of taller boy. Is it beause of his club activity, valleyball? He plays well and has to jump really high. But, that doesn't matter. After all, he is always a little boy to me~~♪ He helped my mom clean the study room of me all a day. Wonder what I was doing when they are busywith walking around putting things aside? I was fixing my eyes on the screen of my note PC!! Don't blame me for not helping them. I did OFFER, but tragedly, I was REFUSED as soon as I just opened my mouth by Ran for fear of getting infection. Oh, my god. This beautiful woman is worried TOO MUCH LA!!! I cAn no longer bear that!!Gosh!