Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year!!

2005, it is a special year for me.
Illness, happiness, sadness all came together .
And I thank for everyone who has loved and cared me so much.
Especially, you.
Dave. Thanks for everything!


Anthropax said...

Happy New Year! We've still got 3 hours and 47 minutes until 2006 - I'm going to make each one count!

mikilan said...

hi. anthropas.long time no see.
thanks for visitng all the time.
I don't think i would update my blog qutie often..maybe freeze it for a while..

Hey, do you join in hi5?

dave n said...

Happy New Year dear. I am especially thankful for you too. Take care sweet xxx

Anthropax said...

I think I have - I'll just have a look.