Sorry for keeping you waiting^-^;
I just want to tell you a news.
A truely good news for me.
That is that,
I've been seeing someone since this X'mas Eve.
He is not the most handsome guy, but he is the best for me.
There is no kinder man like him and I really rely on him.
Although we are in the same university, but we don't meet quite often because we are in different department.
He studies law and me, english literature.
To tell the truth, i have never thought of myself attracted by a type like him.
Hehe, but i do find I fond of him so much, not for his appearance, but his heart.
Don't you think I have grown up as an adult?? Um,,I just think I am missing him everyday. Like Lemon, this feeling is sweet but a little sour. Hehe.
The photo was taken in the coming of age day in 1/6. Actually this festival is on 1/9, but I had to go to Backstreet Boys Concert in Tokyo dome on 1/8. So I weared Kimono or Furisode in previous day. What do you think of me in this japanese traditional costume?
Anyway, I wish everyfriend in Japan or abroad have a happy 2006 new year!!
Enjoy your days!
Yes, it looks pretty (-: I am glad you are happy right now xxx speak to you soon, love dave
oh what a wonderful, sweet sweet picture you have there miki!!! i love it!
see you soon :)vero
and, im so happy for you and this nice guy you're going out with!!
my best wishes for all :)
Thanks for all of your comments!
I wish everybody a happy new year!
oh, i have to study for my tests..orz.
実は、ヴェロニカー(Vero) のペンフレンドです。
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