Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Monday, October04, 2004

Hello, again. This is apple-peace's webmaster, mikilan. Today, there was something very exciting happened to me. It's an unexpected lucky! The third period, my most dislike class was canceled because of the teacher's matter, and since I and my friend had nothing to do, we decided to go see a movie in Fuchinobe theater. It was my first time to buy the ticket in the purchasing department in our campus, and I felt extremely fresh. Guess what movie we had seen? It is i, Robot! Hihi! :-) Actually, I didn't feel much interested and that high expectation for that movie at first, But! After I finished seeing that, I was struck and impressed with every action and thrilling scene! The vivid face expression of Robot and the great performance of Will Smith were all so impressive! I didn't know I could be so moved by a movie before. I just can't help my exciting feelings and I really would like to share these feelings with all of you! Ahh,,even now, I feel my heart fluttered with great joyment and excitement.


Anonymous said...

goodevening :)
today's temp. was low after a long time.
and raining.

water wander wander
a will will be frozen by the ice-cold keynote.
the snow will fall
your heart-beat'll be the only (t)one.
the beat that's working hard to live.

water wander wander
will throw your emity, sorrow, and joy to a drain.
in time, you will be wo(a)ndering the way they do.
taking your body soul drifting to the icy winter.

Unknown said...

Yeah it's a great movie isn't it? I saw it this summer in Canada. I didn't know there was a movie theatre in Fushinobe. Where did you buy your tickets?