Saturday, September 10, 2005

A Forever Secret..

I don't know whether I should post this diary in public. But I' m sure if I keep it an secret alone with my mom, I will certainly get depressed and one day exploded! My mom told me to keep it a forever secret among us,,but I regret to say I can't.

Money's got stolen! This happend a week ago, that's why I hadn't had mood writing anything in my blog. That day, morning, he, came to our home as usual , and watching his favorite volleyball game vedios at Tatami. Everything was normal and I and my mom were just lying on the bed still drowsy not taking any attention to our bags in the kitchen. Never had both of us dreamed our money was at stake!

As we could see, the boy's behaviour was quite suspicious that day. He didn't tell us a word he's leaving for a bookstore. Without saying a word in front of me! It couldn't be imagined how weird it seemed to me. He just didn't look like what he was as ever. My mom and I had put great faith in him so when we realized we'd been stolen, we felt dead aghast and betrayed. Still can't believe my eyes seeing my momey was 50,000 yen less and mom's 10.000 yen vanished. There was no other people coming up to our Tatami, the kitchen was just near to it. It took us loads of time convincing ourselves the truth. We were both stunned and distressed. The little boy we've cared for so much let us down..

Although we could 100 percent make sure he's committed this , but without evidence, there is no hope. There's only trouble. hard to believe it...Right now, we just hope he will stop doing this forever no matter what reason he could have, eagering for his allowance to buy game cards or something else the ordinary child like him would like. He will regret doing this fool thing. It's a irrieversible accomplished fact, a dark memory in his heart till the end of his life. A pity child, really.

By the way, today, I spent my whole time finishing reading Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban, in the original. It seems Half-blooded Prince has been published already, I can't wait to read it! J.K.ROWLING is the greatest author I know, isn't she?(-:


dave n said...

Who is the boy? It is a lot of money for a young boy, what could he spend it on? Why did you keep so much at home?

Don't feel so bad towards him if it won't help get the money back. Some children go through that stage. Just talk to him with your mum, and make sure he won't do it again. You should try and find the reason why he did that, it could be important.

Let him understand that if he does it again, he will have to accept a penalty or punishment. How did he behave when you asked him about it? Does he confess?

xxx kisses Miki xxx love dave

mikilan said...

NO, we won't ever ask him. He's a very close boy to us. We were just too careless. It's a good lesson for us to be more careful.