Saturday, October 30, 2004

Friday, October 29, 2004

Friday, October, 2004

This morning, as soon as I finished my breakfast, I got preparing and went to register the short part-time job. When I arrived in the office, I was quite nervous but fortunately the stuff there was really easy going person so I was able to talk really in a really relaxing atomosphere. We was talking for about one hour and I put reservation what time and when I can go to work.

It's the first time for me to do a part time job. Frankly speaking, I don't lack of that much money. All I want to do is learn some precious experience through the job. What bothered me at first is that my mother doesn't agree me to do any part-time job while I am in the university. In her opinion, part time job is never an easy job and really worrisome thing that demand you too many elements like patience, tolerence and strong will against the pressures. I can't totally disagree with her and what is more I understand what makes her think so. In her situation, language barrier does exist. She can't speak Japanese that fluently because she is originally Chinese. So it is unavoidable that some problems in communication would happen. And some misunderstanding in working with the other coworkers occasionally made her depressive. But I DECIDED to do some short part time job because I want to do it. My mom did go through tough time, and I think I can learn some thing from her experience.

By the way, Aoyama Festival is coming up! Let's enjoy it all together! Have a nice holiday""

Monday, October 25, 2004


Originally uploaded by
Stacie Orrico is one of my favorite singers! I love her voice very much!

Monday, October25th. 2004

Hello! Today I have another news to tell everybody. I went to Fuchinobe theater and saw "Vanhelsing"! It seemed it was the last day that this film would be on air today, so I decided to go to the theater with my friend in the third period. In order to see the film, I bothered to skip the class in the third period.(^_^;) Hehe. But anyway, "Vanhelsing "
deserved it. It was actually worth while making time to see the film. At least, it IS in my case.

Here, I want to introduce the main st0ry of " Vanhelsing" in brief. It is the story about terrific war between manster hunter Vanhelsing and the vampires led by Dracula. Hugh Jackman's marvelous performance and the dynamic scenes are all the great points to check. The best finction movie will definitely make you feel excited!

Well, I am looking forward to hearing from eveyone who have seen this film. And please tell me how you feel about it. Thank you!

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Saturday,October 23rd, 2004

This morning, as usual as I do in Saturday, I got up early at 6:30am for my Japanese Archery club. In our University, we don't have a Kyudo Dojo, so you can image how inconvenient it is. But anyway, we get totaly used to this way. Even though we are to pay money for the ticket.

Here, I want to introduce a REALLY INTERESTING book to all of you people. It's the novel with the tytle " Trinity Blood" It's the story about the battle between humanbeings and vampires! The hero of this story, however, himself is a vampire that suck vampire's blood. That's quite beyond the imagination. People who get interested in this can click the URL I offer. You can see the beautiful pictures of the heros and the characters in this story. The pictures are in the Banken category.

Monday, October 18, 2004


Originally uploaded by mikifu.
Clone, a forever hot topic can be used in humor too.:-)

Anispy Cats

They are so cute!! I hope people seeing this picture will have more smile~~

Anispy Cats
Originally uploaded by mikifu.

Do you figure out why the second cat from right thinks " I thinks there is a spy among us"? Yes, the left animal looks like a cat at the first sight, but if you look carefully, you will find out what makes the cat suspicious about.:-)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Sonny! i, Robot!

Sonny! i, Robot!
Originally uploaded by mikifu.
Huhuhu. Here comes Sonny~!

I had hardly seen the movie when I uploaded this picture on my desktop. As I had mentioned before, i, Robot is my favorite movie so far.

I recommend everybody to have a watch this movie. Because it is not just a SF film, but also worth thinking deeply about the relationship between human and high technology civilization as robots.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Originally uploaded by mikifu.
It is the pannel displayed during the school festival in my senior high school.
What special in this pannel is that the funny face fishes

About the three items..

Nowadays, technology is everywhere. People can't live without it. Master card, copying and Internet are all the symbols of human civilization. In the short, they are all the evidence that show the difference between humanbeing and animals. >

In additon, the three items are similar in the point that they are all the consequence of the invention of Language!
Language itself is invention. People invent technology to fill up the flaw of their bad at memorizing things by language.