Friday, October 29, 2004

Friday, October, 2004

This morning, as soon as I finished my breakfast, I got preparing and went to register the short part-time job. When I arrived in the office, I was quite nervous but fortunately the stuff there was really easy going person so I was able to talk really in a really relaxing atomosphere. We was talking for about one hour and I put reservation what time and when I can go to work.

It's the first time for me to do a part time job. Frankly speaking, I don't lack of that much money. All I want to do is learn some precious experience through the job. What bothered me at first is that my mother doesn't agree me to do any part-time job while I am in the university. In her opinion, part time job is never an easy job and really worrisome thing that demand you too many elements like patience, tolerence and strong will against the pressures. I can't totally disagree with her and what is more I understand what makes her think so. In her situation, language barrier does exist. She can't speak Japanese that fluently because she is originally Chinese. So it is unavoidable that some problems in communication would happen. And some misunderstanding in working with the other coworkers occasionally made her depressive. But I DECIDED to do some short part time job because I want to do it. My mom did go through tough time, and I think I can learn some thing from her experience.

By the way, Aoyama Festival is coming up! Let's enjoy it all together! Have a nice holiday""

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