Sunday, December 05, 2004

Christmas Tree in Disneyland!

Christmas Tree in Disneyland!
Originally uploaded by mikifu.
I wish you a merry christmas, you wish your merry christmas♪

X'mas is coming up! And Disney won't miss it of course! It was a quite large tree!! I am sorry my camera phone is out of date, that it wasn't able to express the beauty of the tree! But never mind, just feel Christmas!


KIKI said...

Hi there. You went to Disney Land for the first time! Congratulations! It is so beautiful in this season of a year. I wanna go, too!

Blog ho said...

I love Disneyland. I'd live there if I could...I'm not sure which ride I'd live on, maybe Tom Sawyer's Island, that seems safe enough.

Takeshi said...

Is it really that we are treated as absence when we late over forty minutes??
I can't get up early these days...
And I must write blog more!! Otherwise I might fail this class...
Oh,my god!!