Monday, December 27, 2004

How did you spend your X'mas?

Hello, everyone! How did you spend y0ur X'mas? Someone that have boyfriends would have a romantic night. And Someone that are single like me..also could enjoy X'mas! There are exactly many ways to spend a fun Christmas!

As for me, On Christmas Eve, I went to Dojyo to practice Kyudo with my teammates. At 1:30pm, we had lunch at Mos Burger Restaurant. As a special menu, we ordered five pieces of chicken and got a pink bear toy. We had a fun a lot.

And finally Christmas came! I, with the same mebers went to Fuchinobe Theater to see Howl's moving castle at 11:45. It was the second time for me to see this movie. But I liked the movie so much that I was able to enjoy it again. The girls seeing it were all content at it! And we all agreed that the dog appeared in the movie was so CUTE!! We can't stop love him!

After seeing the movie, the girls decided to go to my room. So we rented " Cutty Blond" at Tsutaya and saw it at my room. However, a unexpected happenings occured to us! We had both Japanese and English subtitles! And what is worse, English one lays on Japanese one so we couldn't see Japanese subtitles. Because Elle, the heroine is a typical American fast speaker.
We were busy at cathing up the whole meanings of words.

Well, these are the ways I spent my X'mas. Merry Christmas! And Have a nice year! ☆

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