Wednesday, March 09, 2005

My Diary in the Hospital

Hello, everyone! What's up? It's been a long time no updated my blog because of my disease.
Maybe somebody have already known why. Yes, I have been hospitalized in my hometown Okayama since the start of January.
It was quite rare and weird experience for me because it was my first time to spend the new year in the hospital.
Well, as I was allowed to use my computer in the room, I decided to keep a diary in apple-peace blog.
So now, I'm writing what happened today in my diary.
This morning, I had a regular blood test to check my state of health. What made me feel relieved was that the result wasn't going bad. I am looking forward the day I can leave the hospital and have a new start of my life of campus. I can't wait it!!
Anyway, even though I hate the truth I am a patient, but I Like all the stuffs of this hospital.
They are really kind to me everyday and I am lucky because my doctor is really handsome and a gentleman. I like him and I'd like to keep a contact even after I leave the hospital. If it is possible, I am definitely the most happy girl in the world!! What is more, I am feeling good today
because he called me Miki Chan instead of ~San!! It Is the first time he called me that way.
I can't believe it for a while and that's why I was SO Happy today!
Hehe, everything will be fine after you get through hard days.
That's what I learnt in my hospital life.

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