Saturday, March 26, 2005

Sunday, March 26th, 2005

What all the patients in the hospital would feel in common is the precious value of Health.
Since I was hospitalized, I could hear other patients, almost elders talk to their friends repeating " if only I was healthy, I would be doing~~" " Never had I imaged I would be weak so much when I was quite well" several times.
Whenver I hear these words, I feel my heart sunk cuz I had the same feeling with them. Even though it is said to be unknown what cause the disease I have, I could have taken care of myself and payed attention to my health condition. Sometimes I feel not so good because there are a few minus elements when you are in the hospital. The conversation of patients sometimes would make you down.
Some minus talks are like:
" my diabetes are getting worse due to the harmful aftereffects of the medicine"
" I have repeated being and left hospitals for several times, I wonder I would be like that in my life"

Well, it is irreversible you would hear such words as far as you are in the hospital when sharing each other's experience and status. Most of the time you would feel highly relieved because people here have same health problems and feelings with you that lead you not to be lonely.

Plus points and minus ones are all together. What I should do is get used to it and enjoy it:-)

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