Thursday, March 31, 2005

Thursday, March 31st, 2005

The day to leave the hospital was decided ater the meeting last night.

I will leave this place which I spent
88 days on Friday. However, I am not completely leaving the hospital. I would come back and be hospitalized again for another progressing treatment for two weeks.

Although it is still unclear, but I would probably have been absent from school for six months.
i was comtemplated that it is the best for complete rehabilitation. To tell thet truth, I am quite worried about that decision because i can't tell what will happen while I was on rest. What made me feel regretful is I have no plan how to spend my long "vacation"! I don't want to be drawn back far away. But it is my destiny. I should obey it. Yeah, I have to.

Of course, there is never all bad points being hospitalized for such a long time. Because of my sudden disease, I was deprived of my freedom studying at camplus and doing the Kyudo club. But it is also undeniable that I have also learned many precious things in the hospital. I learned coorporation, patience and thoughtfulness. Sometimes you must receive all the happening whether it is good or bad for you. You just don't deny it or even try to get away from it. As Jupitar's lyric, " it is not meaningless things happend on you. Then you will require how to think things in possitive way. Behave brightly, smile happily and people see it will give you more than you give!

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