Friday, December 17, 2004

One little happening tonight.

Hi, eveyone.
I am living in a student dormitory in Machida.
We have breakfast, dinner from Monday to Saturday. And we can have bath or get shower every day in public bath. So the life in dormitory gives us comfortable feelings just like we are at our own home. We are never troubled by buying food to eat or something.
Eveything is okay but except of only ONE problem that is unavoidable to face. That is FREEDOM! Every dormitory has its curfew! In the dormitory, we are supposed to come back by 11:00pm. At first I thougt of nothing, because I believed I would never come back after curfew.
However, a few weeks ago, I DID it. I went to Maihama to go to after SIX Disney Land with my friends. We did have a fun time. But when it turned to 10pm, I knew my face suddenly got pale. I would not make myself back to the dormitory in time. Because Maihama is never that close to Machida. It takes us more than one hour to get to it.
After hesitating for a while, I finally made up my mind calling to the manager in the dormitory. No doubt he was quite angry. But somehow I managed to persuade him not to lock the front door until i come back.
Since that, the relation between the manager and me have become a little strained. Of course I feel sorry for him, but I was giving much more thought to my freedom. It is not that easy thing especially for University students to not to go out late. I am in Kyudo club and sometimes i am to be staying late.
Tonight, however, my thought got a little changed. When I prepared to take a shower and down to the stair, I saw the manger and his wife were sitting on the sofa in dark. It was almost near to 12:00pm. No sooner than they saw me, the manager asked me abruptly, " Miss Kawakami, how do you say " you should come back by 11:00pm on time" in Chinese?" Yes, they were waiting for a Taiwanese girl to come back. They were waiting for her for about one hour. I suddently reminded of the truth I also HAD MADE them wait for me late at night. That time, I felt extremely sorry and regret I wasn't able to think at their side. I was only worried about myself instead of realizing I was bothering some people without self consciousness. That was a terrible thing.
I didn't know I was so selfish. I should have been more thoughtful. All I know today is that Freedom comes with responsibility. I think I must not forget it and bear it in my mind.

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