Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday, May 13, 2005

Video Rental Shop

Today, I had my mom drive me to a video rental shop TSUTAYA. This is one of the biggest video rental shops in Japan. I have long time no gone to the shop since I come back to my hometown. Once upon a time, I would often drop at the shop on my way home from my school when I was a senior high school student.

It's much reassuring for me to know there weren't many people there. I got to the shop at about 4, it's normal that people are still at work, and student at school. But at the moment, I felt a little strange and lonely because I should have been concentrating on listening to the lectures surrounded by my friends at my campus in Tokyo. Actually, I don't usually feel this way, but SOMETIMES, in ocassion, I did. I think I began to miss my friends in my campus. Most of them told me how there were killed by every hard work or report from school. I know, and all I can do is wish them a good luck. Take care of your health, guys~I'm doing well in here. Cuz I believe a saying. That is , "I will prepare, and someday my chance will come!" I forgot who said it, but I truely believe this saying from my heart. Everyday may seem dull and unchanging for us, but what we ought to do is just preparing for every moment and wait for our chance come to us. Daily life is important, because there is never a same day come again in our life.

Looking people so busy, sometimes I would feel I had nothing to do but eat, sleep and read etc. Now I have plenty of time to do everything I love to. It is great. Everything is perfect except one fact that my fellow peers who I can share my interest with are all far apart from me now.
Hey, I've got missing you guys, are you aware of that?:-)


dave n said...

Hi Miki, you can reach me for msn messenger, or email with: dave_nicholls[at]

I will give you my normal email address by email, when you contact me (-:

dave n said...

Hi Miki, I think you understood that you had to replace the [at] with @

I think it may be my fault. I have checked my mail, and the space is full. I am really sorry. I have deleted those messages now, so would you mind trying again please. dave xxx (-:

(That address gets a lot of spam, around 30 messages a day. And it has only small space. So if I forget to check it for 2 or 3 days it risks to be full.)