Wednesday, May 18, 2005

My Original Miso Soup

Originally uploaded by mikifu.
I made a Miso Soup by myself at lunch yesterday. My mom was out for her work, and there was nobody but me at home at the moment. So I decided to fix something for myself.

I have always helped my mom cook, like cutting vegetables, frying, or making soup, of course. But actually, all I did was just help, not all processing. So this time, I am doing a dish all by myself. You can sense how nervous I was. It was my first time to cook alone. A absolutely Big CHALLENGE for me!:-)

As being said making soup is extremely simple thing, I just put some shiitake mushroom, carrots and lettuce into pot while water began to boil. And finally add Miso ( Soybean paste) and some meat to it. Then FINISHED!! HERE is my original SOUP! What do you think of it? Don't say that the color looks like dark or not like a soup!! I washed ingredient, but it didn't seem perfect. Yeah, but it doesn't matter! One thing is tangible is that it can be eaten despite of its taste.

Cooking was NOT that simple thing as I had expected.(I0T)

1 comment:

dave n said...

I think you did very well, did it taste nice for you?