Friday, July 29, 2005

Special Thanks to..

Here, I want to thank Dave, my English friend^^ Thanks for helping me out editing MyShoutBox and StatCounter. Thanks for sparing your precious sleeping time to teach me. Merci~~♪

About My Plan to come back to China

This Friday( July 30), I will leave for China. I'm going to visit and stay there until 8/14. So I am not sure if I could upload my blog while my stay in China. But I promise you that I'll take loads of nice pictures in China and let you see~~Just look forward it~^^Anyway, it has been three years since my last return to China in 2001. I'm so EXCITED!!!


dave n said...

Thank you for writing about me. You are welcome for the help. I am happy to have time with you. And I like you to enjoy adding to your blog. (-:

I hope you have a good holiday in China, and can see some people and culture you miss. xx I am looking forward to see your photos.

Anthropax said...

How was China?
What part did you go to?

mikilan said...

Hi, Antropax. I went to Fuzhou in southern China. It was great because I was able to see many old friends of mine.:-)I just can't wait to see them again soon!

Anthropax said...

Cool, just up from Guangdong isn't it? Is is mainly Mandarin or Cantonese speaking?

mikilan said...

Yeah, and it is near to Taiwan too. We speak mainly Mandarin or dialect of Fuzhou,not Cantonese.(-:

Anthropax said...

My Mandarin is dreadful! In Hong Kong there were programmes giving lessons in it, but I can only mannage the odd 'ni hau', and my Cantonese isn't much better! I would love to learn more Mandarin as it will be very useful in the future, when China becomes more of a world power. It's just the different letters can be a bit of a problem.