Friday, April 15, 2005

Friday, April 15th, 2005

Sunshine! The weather today was perfect! And no worse than today's weather, I feel GREAT either! One of the happiest day today in my life!

Spring has completely come in Okayama. The sunshine is warm everyday and that makes me like to have a walk. There is always a path for people having a jogging or walking their dogs. The trees are getting green and flowers blossomed in various colors. I like the air of Okayama very much because here you could breathe fresh air very much and that relax you a lot. Here has no unnecessary troubles bothered you, no crowds of working people getting off the trains. Here all we have is nature, green, and warm-hearted people. Here is nearly an Utopia for me except for one thing. That is,, there are few YOUNG guys and girls all around!! All I can peer through from my veranda is elder or little children walking! Why? Well, that's quite simple cuz the guys as old as me are all going to the college or their work place la!!! HAHAHAHA!! Fantastic!

Um,, calm down. Let's go on to the main subject.
This afternoon, 11:30am ,we went to the hospital to see Dr. M as we did on last Friday. Having been told to take a blood sample within an hour before the appointment time 13:00, we arrived at the hospital eariler than last time. This time, five test tubes were taken. Amazingly I found that I got accustomed to blood taking enough to have a straight look at my blood being taken and flouring into the test tubes. No more queasy feelings I have. See I have become at least a little braver, ha. Finally blood test come out to prove my condition is getting better and better that even my doctor couldn't hide his surprisement. It seems I don't have to be hospitalized to have another treatment any longer. That relieve me and my family too much!! I am nearly as healthy as ordinary people!!! Joyful! Ran's dietary cure is getting succuss! Thank you, Ran!

Since we have enough time later, I was allowed to see my old friends in the ward. Today I was luck enough to see Dr. F! He is tall and really easy going.Sometimes it is dubious to me he is a
doctor! He is so FRIENDLY and easy talking person, just like a young boy. In fact he IS young enough la~~Why I said he is friendly because no sooner than I passed my result papers to him that he told me that he would call Dr. H to announce this happy news. His patient is doing well because of your devotion. I love all the staff in this ward! They are so000 kind. I don't want to be their patient again, but I would like to go closer to them if possible. That's one of my ambitions actually.

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