Sunday, April 10, 2005

Sunday, April 10th, 2005

the summary

I haven't been blogging for several days. The main reason for that is I have been busy with registering curriculum. Since my determination of having long rest within the first term, I have been always bothered with contemplating what course I ought to take in an attempt to achieve bottom 50 credits. So even though I am at home, I always have something to do with my PC.

So far, having almost finished all the registration, I decided to make my time for a while. I mean some entertainment like looking websites I want to visit and doing something I really like. Here, I want to sum up what happened to me during these days.

This Friday, it was the day I had an appointment with Dr. M at 1pm. It was my first time to
go to hospital as an outpatient. I was a sort of nervous while awaiting him. A few minutes passed 1am, at last it came my turn. I knocked the door and entered hearing " Come in". We haven't seen each other for a week since my petie discharge. At first, Dr. M showed us a result of blood test I took last Thursday while being hospitalized. It came out "almost" everything recovers well except of one suspicious virus, some problem with my lymphocyte Dr. H was quite worried when referring it to me before. The tone Dr. M spoke to us was keeping cool and so official. As status up, people seem to have some change in his attitude. I admire and respect Dr. H because he is really easy talking and warm-hearted. I can feel it. That day, I was dressing up looking forward to see Dr. H only to find out he was out on business. I should have known Friday and Saturday are his day out for another place, but I still can't hide my disappointment. Is being a patient an only way to meet her doctor!? That's awesome because I don't want to be a patient any longer. Really troublesome....

Yesterday, I went to drive with my mom designing to go see cherry blossom in the park. After a long drive, we couldn't reach the destination because we missed our way(^-^;) As a replacement, Ran and I went to video shop and watching rental video after coming back home. ShaoLin Soccer was funny. It told us not only comedy but also a courage to chase your dream!

Anyway, I am kind of sentimental these days. Too many things I ought to think and too many problems I have to cope with,,, Kyudo,credits, and friendship..something I have neglected for long time.

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