Friday, April 01, 2005

Friday, April 1st, 2005

Spring has come!!! It is the season of encounter and farewell.

April's started. New nurse has come and old nurse would go to another place. It is Deai and Wakare. Whatever, we just go go go!!! Never look back or lost yourself in memories.

Right now, I am watching TV with my parents on Tatami. It might be certain for all of people, but for me, it is so PRECIOUS! I will cherish this moment with my parents. Six months holiday could be long, but it is a GOOD CHANCE for me to filial piety. Since I went to Tokyo, the time with my parents is getting shorter and shorter. Especially this time, i was getting this too sudden disease, it is no doubt my parents especially my mom would hope strongly and want me to stay at hometown and have a rest untill my health condition is stable. Um, it's..reasonable because I have neglected them so long and it comes time I should do something for my parents and also, myself. I made it in my mind firmly when I saw my mom dropped her tear saying goodbye to the nurses and doctors. I was shocked to see that scence because I know she is the last person to express her real emotion in front of people, even of her family. See she was EXTREMELY exhasuted and happy I left the hospital. It is the moment I reconfirm I was treasured a lot by her although the moment I was a little confused..and complicated..

Why I say my feeling is complicated, because i was made to rethink of my life. Any mindless minus word about my health like " my period finish so soon, is it because of the medicine I drink? I suspect it would last long..." would hurt people who care about my health.
No matter it is so mindless, I think i have to pay attention to my words. I would try..from now on.(^_^;) I don't want to make people I love sad any more.

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