Monday, April 18, 2005

Monday, April 18th, 2005

A Blessing in Disguise

Originally uploaded by mikifu.

These days, I have always had something to do. Although I spend my time almost at my own home while others attend to their college, stangely I don't feel I am that lonely or dull at all. Enjoy my time seems to be an incentive for me to keep a good mind status.

Yesterday, I had my mom drive me to the station to see a friend I didn't see for a long time. Strictly speaking, the people I had an appointment with was my teacher rather than just one of my friends. He used to be my private tutor when I first came to Japan. He is a graduate student at Okayama University in current. We havn't met each other for approximately one year. But it didn't take much time to recognize one another. He looks younger in spite of his age. Ran convinced me that was because the man always look younger than their real age when I mentioned that.

Getting on the car, we reached at a surpermarket. Mr.K ( his name) walked directly to drink corner and bought some of them for me. He told me that I should take a lot of liquid because it is good for my kidney. I was surprised and moved by his thoughtful attention. His house doesn't change a lot except one thing that he comes to keep a pet, a dog really take to people easily. We talked about my disease and what I must be doing afterward. One word was truely impressive. In short, I should think positively and just be happy everyday. It is definitely correct cuz I have experienced too much while being hospitalized, I have learned how to be myself and thank to eveyday given to me. For me, this disease is a blessing in disguise for that I was given a chance to think my life again and what is really important to me.

What I am doing at home alone is reading and surfing sites on net. One thing different is what books I am reading are in Chinese. Honestly I didn't read any Chinese writen books for ages so when one of my friends recommended those books to me, I felt a little confused and reluctant. However, despite of my low expectation, I found I was enchanted with every sentence writen in vivid Chinese. I can have sympathy with every word and feel what author's would feel. It's some feelings I can't have when I read them in Japanese. This moment, I realize I have missed my mother tongue so much. It's a great deep impression when I encountered some touchable stories and words. Some that help you out a lot. I think I ought to get back something important that I have lost and missed.

Chinese Cuisine and music

While I finished blogging and was about to say hello to a friend online, I heard my name called by my mom. She told me to get prepare to get on her car. It was 7 o'clock, dinner time. So I asked where we were going. The answer back was Cui Yuan, a Chinese cuisine restaurant.

We haven't come all a way to eat Chinese food so I was wondering what taste it would be. You know what, as Japanese are proud of deliciousness of Sushi, Chinese are also particular about their nation's food outside their country. The waitress is a Chinese girl who speak fluent Japanese. Even the main customers are Chinese. It's such an interesting sight for me to see a Chinese man shout at the kitchen advising a cooker to add vinegar in a particular dish. And the waitress was just giggling at that man complaining. These are the most common and natural scenes you could see in any restaurant in China. And that remind me of most of dear memories when I was a child. It's undeniable it is China where I spent my childhood, I can't help feeling close to any Chinese who living in Japan. I don't care where part they are from, or who they are.

As to the music, I have got a CD also sung in Chinese. Most of them are hip pop and love song. Unlike J Pop, Chinese lyrics are repeated time by time. That make you feel it was like Enka, simple but easy to remember. I can put myself into the songs and feel them. It makes me comfortable although whatever quality and variety, J pop is all over China's. But I still feel like most movable songs are those sung in my native language. Easy remeber and easy to sing either.

1 comment:

dave n said...

Miki: I was given a chance to think my life again and what is really important to me.

Dave: I have had these moments a few times too. You are right they make you feel truer to yourself, in how life should be. Their effect lessens over time, but I wish we could keep them forever.

xxx I can see many good things in you. (-: